"Quantumize" your life!!!

Location: Clementi, Singapore, Singapore

I'm King Liang,major in Theoretical Physics and applied Economics,from Malayisia...currently engaged with a pretty singaporean, Sally

Monday, March 20, 2006

Soiree 2006 (NUS Harmonica Concert)

awesome!! tat's my only impression for the NUS Harmonica Orchestra. Went to Soiree 2006 2 days ago wif Winny & the concert really serve as a good opportunity for me take a refreshing n relaxing breath after struggling through many personal problems these weeks. Actually I was quite busy last weekend n becoz my brother - wei sheng is one of the performers so I muz went to support him. Congrats' to sheng sheng as the concert was held successfully.
Take this chance also to thanks winny for acc me to the concert. I'm glad she enjoying the concert. I'm very proud to say that her smile juz after the concert make me feel worth enough to invite her to acc me . ( haha, she hav the prettiest smile among all the female frens I know.) (oops! guys dun think too much, it's always opposite wif wat u thought).
Alright, guess i hav to go back to my research work now.............see ya.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


又是过得恍惚的一天,这几天常常在想活着的意义是什么,从前懂得自己的兴趣-物理学:以为世间的一切都只有物理。。但随着年龄的增长,终于尝到了陷落于儿女私情挣扎的滋味。面对因为这种尘世间美妙而痛苦的东西而失去一些昔日的好友,总觉得自己愚昧无比,可能这就是凡人必经之路吧?我相信世间一切事情总是互补的。这里失去一些你想要的,那一头多了一些真正了解自己好友,和一个真正爱自己的人。。。。常常觉得很好笑,人似乎都活在自己的乌托邦里,总想看到自己想看到的;曾经苦苦哀求自己最爱的女孩给自己一个机会,现在看起来自己也不懂了。。。。。哈哈! 只想告诉关心我的好朋友:别担心,我会好起来的,真的,给我一点时间吧!纵使这次考出自我进入大学后最烂的成绩,但我相信我会重投量子力学的怀抱的。。。当然,我也不会再埋怨谁了。。。我相信这种痛苦是断暂的,景良只是“睡”着了而已。。。。。dun get me wrong here guys, I wun drink when I was down! my liquor only reserve for joyful moment wif frens!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Chang Chi & me at SPS booth. Posted by Picasa

As Physics is not a hot major, it's not easy to convince a student to major in Physics, haha. (maybe u won't have a well-off life if u r physicist, hehe) Posted by Picasa

2006 NUS Openhouse

phewww......today was NUS openhouse, I had to rush like crazy as I'm a member of SPS n the committee of Physics Society, tat's y hav to man both booth, fortunately the SPS booth is juz beside physics one. From Left: Prof Lim, Dr.Su n Dr.Phil Chan. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 10, 2006

me n elaine Posted by Picasa

me n Joe Posted by Picasa

Spsians Gathering

really desperate as these days was veri stressful n down due to certain reasons, however had a warm n touching night wif a group of spsians. Luckily i always hav a bunch of good frens when I was lost n down. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

was trash by yew mun.....haha! Posted by Picasa

me Posted by Picasa

all Physoc Committee gather together after SSG.. Posted by Picasa

Yew Mun & his gf, cecelia Posted by Picasa

Wei sheng & his gf, Xue Hui Posted by Picasa

Staffs & students having dinner n discussions on various topics. Posted by Picasa

Prof.Berthold Geog-Englert juz passed by..... Posted by Picasa

we also had indoor games as well..... this is Prof Thomas Osipowich, my Nuclear Physics lecturer Posted by Picasa

brother munz.... Posted by Picasa

wei sheng in action! Posted by Picasa

playing basketball wif physics tutors... Posted by Picasa

2006 Physics Department Staff & Students Games (organized by NUS PHYSOC)

On this year SSG our Physics Society actually had more types of games to play compare to previous year. We had street soccer, tennis, basketball, etc. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

albert's minibar

hooRay!!! I got my own "bar" finally. Some of the liquor in this picture are actually juz empty bottle - Chateau Lamorte French red wine(12% Alc) ,Chile Late Harvest Cochay Toro white wine(15%) and Smirnoff Russian Vodka (40%Alc). The rest that u can try when u visit my room are :

1. Absolute Vodka (Rasberry flavour) (40%Alc)- dun really like the smell, haha!
2. Iichiko Japanese Sake (25% Alc)
3. Jose Cuervo Especial tequila(43%Alc) - which is my favourite!!
4. Bailey Irish Cream(17%Alc) - most of my female frens like it....yeah, I think it's a Irish creamy whisky design for girls....
 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006


对不起,我想我很难再面对你了,祝福你。不要常常说自己不漂亮和愚蠢,你在我眼里永远是最完美的。像你这种好心的女孩将来一定会过得很幸福的。最后,再跟你说声:对不起,我爱你! Posted by Picasa